Biocapabili - innovative antimicrobial materials


French contact point - Short biography (CV)

Dr. Christophe Drouet, CIRIMAT Carnot Institute, French coordinator of the Biocapabili Cluster. Dr. C. Drouet (M) is a full-time research scientist at the CIRIMAT Carnot Institute. Ph.D. in Materials Sciences. Major research fields include the physico-chemistry and thermochemistry of natural or synthetic (bio)minerals and the study of the surface characterization/reactivity of nanomaterials, in particular biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites (analogous to bone mineral). Noticeable milestones in Dr. C. Drouet's carrier are 3 years spent recently in Prof. A. Navrotsky's group at the University of California at Davis, USA (2001-03) for gaining expertise in the thermochemistry of hydrated mineral phases, and 3 months in Prof. José-Luis G. Fierro's group at the University of Madrid, Spain (1999) for a specialization in surface characterization and reactivity (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, study of chemisorption processes). A special focus is dedicated to the investigation of calcium phosphate compounds, in particular of biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites in view of innovative bio-medical applications (bone tissue engineering, intracellular drug delivery, luminescent nanoprobes for medical imaging.) and for a better understanding of biomineralization processes. Dr. C. Drouet regularly supervises Ph.D theses in (bio)Materials Sciences and is involved in the co-direction of undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Beside the publication of articles in International journals (h-index = 14; extract of scientific production on, C. Drouet's scientific production includes the co-writing of 5 Book Chapters and the presentation of invited and keynote conferences. Dr. C. Drouet is a member of the Editorial Board of the International journal "Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials" (ICE Publishing), and acts as a scientific expert for the French "National Research Agency (ANR)" and the Italian "Ministero dell'istruzione, dell'universita et della ricerca (MIUR)".

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