-(bio)materials science: materials synthesis, physico-chemical characterizations based on the latest equipment, structure-microstructure-properties relationships, surface and interfacial engineering/surface modifications, (bio)materials ageing studies, pharmacotechnics, follow-up of the release of active agents...
- Microbiology engineering: development of testing device for antimicrobial surfaces, study of adhesion and immobilization of bacterial populations on materials, testing devices for medical, technical and construction purposes, characterization of bacterial cell development in static and dynamic systems , handling of potentially hazardous micro-organisms...
- Molecular biology: study of cell-materials interactions, cytotoxicity evaluations, construction of molecular biology engineered strains...
The Biocapabili engineering Cluster proposes an integrated R&D offer aiming at developing innovative solutions in the field of antimicrobial material engineering.You are a company? You are looking for expertise in the fields of antimicrobial material engineering? CONTACT US!
You are a clinician/end-user of antimicrobial systems? You are interested in the BioCapabili Cluster? CONTACT US!
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